The Hotel

Mundaka is situated in the North East of Spain, in the Bay of Bizkaia.The historical territory of BIzkaia is one of seven territories that make up Euskal Herria and in this territory, Mundaka belongs to the area of Busturialdea.

Its situated in the left part of the river that has it´s name. River of Mundaka, which was declared Reserve of the Biosphere by the UNESCO.


Nearly all the streets are pedestrian, as most of them are not enough to drive a car. Some huses are very ancient and most of them are reformed, like our Hotel.
The port is the centre of the municipality and the buildings around it are well visiting.
Laidatxu beach, a small cove at the entrance of the village with all the services. A little bit further, the Ondartzape beach.
Surf has a great importance in Mundaka.
As experts say, we have the best left wave in Europe wich makes people come from Australia, New Zeland, California,...

The Place